- The writing is very beautiful. Wandering what the connection to Tom Waits is? What is the story attached to the words. Dreaming around your poetry.
- Great job. Would work well if someone acted this out and Jeu Jeu narrated? Good luck in Edinburgh! :)
- I felt a bit on edge until just before your final piece - you introduced yourself. The audience seemed to relax. Can you do that earlier? Then we know who you are. Before we connected to you personally, your persona seemed a bit harsh/inaccessible. You are charming though. Let us into that!
- I struggled with it, to be honest. The premise itself is a strain when Tom Waits is so raw and unconstrained. The rhyming was at times a bit basic.
- For those who are maybe not as aware of Tom Waits, a bridge between yours and his worlds would be a good reference. Enjoyed hearing the inspiration at the end.
- Women’s perspective very well told. But as someone not that acquainted with Tom Waits I felt a bit left out of the loop. Keep going, though, you’re very compelling!
- Just needed a little bit of set-up at the top to get us on board.
- Would have liked to see a bit more humour within it.
- I think your nerves maybe got in the way of delivery. Felt you could let more of your personality shine through.
- Chilling piece about the girl who “got away”. Very real and moving. I love Tom Waits! Really interested to see where this show goes… will there be music?
I've been back in the rehearsal room this week, working within the very tiny stage dimensions I will have in Edinburgh, and trying to finalise the last of the writing. I had a very basic run-through, and the overall impression was that it felt very dreamlike.