I traipsed through the snow last night to a late gig (Masks and Basques) at the Rose Theatre in Kingston. It was an amazing event; music, circus, walkabout, cabaret and burlesque. I loved 'Felix Hagan and the Family' and shared a dressing room with the 'family' - who were tremendously friendly, and stayed to watch me perform, even though I wasn't on until 1am. Always a pleasure to see Anna Larkin, Ava Iscariot, Sass Boufant and Eljai Morais.
Tomorrow night I'm performing my Allo Allo act at the Distiller's Bar in Hammersmith (hooray for local-ish gigs and Miss Odelia Opium!), so I just need to rest my aching shoulders and get ready for a week of playfulness with Angela - Oh My God I Love Her - DiCastro!